Dry Buttermilk - Central and East

     Buttermilk - Eastern and Central U.S.

     Report 32 - Released on August 06, 2020

     CENTRAL: Dry buttermilk prices slid on the bottom and top of the range. Dry buttermilk
     trading was comparable with last week, if not slightly busier. Contacts relay that condensed
     buttermilk trading was somewhat busier, as well. With more cream entering churns,
     availability of buttermilk, whether condensed or dried, has increased in the past week. Some
     end users report dry buttermilk offers are still somewhat sparse, but others are finding
     loads at lower prices week to week. Nonfat dry milk remains the focus of dryers, but more
     buttermilk is entering the fray. As with other dairy powders, the buttermilk market tone is
     somewhat shaky.
     EAST: Dry buttermilk prices slid lower in the East region on light trading activity. Buyer
     spot demands are currently light. Manufacturers� production schedules are mixed. Some dryers
     are picking up speed for contracted needs, while other operations� dryer schedules are
     intermittent. Ice cream plants continue to receive steady amounts of condensed buttermilk.
     Dry buttermilk market conditions are softer.

     The DMN monthly average of the range price series for Central and East dry buttermilk during
     July was $1.0113, compared to $0.9774 a month ago.
     Prices for: Eastern and Central U.S., All First Sales, F.O.B., Conventional, and Edible
     Price Range ; $/LB:                                    .9200 - 1.0400

     Information for the period August 3 - 7, 2020, issued weekly

     Secondary Sourced Information:

     Dairy Products Report � Dry Buttermilk Summary
     Released August 4, 2020, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS),
     Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

                        Dry buttermilk � United States: June 2019 and 2020
                        Monthly Production (1000 pounds)    Percent Change from
                               June        May     June          June       May
     Region                    2019       2020     2020          2019      2020
     United States            8,354     12,072    9,008           7.8     -25.4

                                    Manufacturers' stocks end-of-month 3/
                       End of month stocks (1000 pounds)    Percent Change from
                               June        May     June          June       May
     Product                   2019       2020     2020          2019      2020
     Dry buttermilk, total   14,026     24,633   24,178          72.4      -1.8
     3/ Stocks held by manufacturers at all points and in transit.

     Published by:
     Dairy Market News - Madison, WI
     ISRAEL WEBER, 608-422-8601
     Email: israel.weber@usda.gov
     Jessica Mueller, (608)422-8589
     Email: jessica.mueller@usda.gov

     Additional Dairy Market News Information:
     Dairy Market News (DMN) by Phone: (608)422-8602
     DMN Website: https://www.ams.usda.gov/market-news/dairy
     DMN MARS (My Market News): https://mymarketnews.ams.usda.gov